Do Fewer Things, Do Them Better

I have to admit, I am bad when it comes to house chores like cleaning, arranging, decorating, scrubbing, mopping…well, you get the ideas. I think the only thing I’m good at is sweeping (if compared to Hubby..haha!) You see, 13 years of being together and almost 8 years of being married certainly won’t impress Hubby when it comes to my skills in keeping the house (or whatever space I used to live in) neat and tidy.

However since we bought this house and I somehow read an article about how we the mothers should do fewer things at home but do them better, I decided to implement some of it. So a few hours ago I tackled a part of the “junkyard” at the family area upstairs, threw the stuffs (which must be sorted but not sure when) in the blue IKEA bag, cleaned up the shelves using broom, and dragged the shelves inside the bedroom cum play room.

Those shelves are now meant for Dear Son to practise his arrangement skills. He is supposed to arrange his toy cars, trucks, backhoe, skid steer, Lego toys and such on the shelves. Or at least that’s what I understand by reading the Montessori books that toys need to be arranged neatly on shelves rather than dump them all in toy box. Hopefully dear son will have a clearer picture and better skills than his Mama in years to come when it comes to this home improvement matter.

Errkkk, the “junkyard” is now a mess because I accidentally killed a lizard while moving the shelves and it turned off my motivation to finish up the cleaning tasks..(what a lame excuse..haha!)

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