Will I Be Sad?

I came across an entry on 5 Minutes For Mom blog – Losing My Superpowers.

It makes me wonder when the time comes, will I be sad? A friend told me that it broke her heart when her son stopped nursing at 8 months. She was hospitalized for dengue fever and due to that many nights of absence and weird taste of the medicine she has to take, her son refused to nurse directly.

I have to admit that it feels empowering, knowing that no one else has the power to comfort your son other than the pair of breasts that God endowed upon you since you are like 14, 15? hehe..and pre-baby and pre-marriage years, you thought those breasts are just a sex symbol or the perfect trophy of womanhood.

Being a mom and breastfeeding your child, you realize it means so much more – it provides food for the hungry mouth, it gives comfort during trying and sleepless nights when he’s teething, having fever, had a nightmare or simply to let him know that Mom is around.

It’s a precious drop that no one else can provide and no money can buy. Try ask around any lactating moms whether they would be willing to be a wet nurse to your child, I bet unless you are some royal Queen with humble servants, you won’t have a chance to get a willing mom to do the nursing job..heh!

So while it lasts, I will try to enjoy the experience (although there are times at night that I wish I can sleep peacefully on my stomach for the whole stretch of 7 hours). I know it won’t be forever and when it comes to the weaning moment, I will for sure be sad like hell!

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