The Last Week Of March

I can’t find the mood to update my blog, it’s not that I have so much in hands at the moment till I don’t have free time to write, it’s just that I don’t have the motivation. Maybe because there is very little opportunity to write for paid post, you see for me money is always the biggest motivation to do anything. But when there is no strong reason for me to write, I just don’t do it here and now, put it aside and forget about the task..heh!


My weekend went as usual with classes, this time both for bunga dip. Easier for me to clean up and set up the seats for both days. One of my students came all the way from Kuala Terengganu. Hopefully later when she goes home she would be able to conduct her own class so that more women in the East Coast would benefit from the craft.

On Sunday we planned to go out and watch movie (Hubby has made reservation online) but in the end I decided to stay home and went to Jusco instead. I bought Body Shop hair shampoo and conditioner as my dandruff problem is getting worse. Stress could be another factor that triggers the scalp problem, but how stressful could my life be at the moment? For someone who gets to sleep more than 10 hours 5 days a week, can choose to do nothing all day, I shouldn’t feel stressed..heh!

Maybe another vacation could cure my dandruff problem..ceh!

One comment

  1. MQ,
    hope ur hubby read this entry….hihihihi
    sejak tau xde talent nk menulis hihihihi terpaksa cr lain utk cari duit…..
    Bila ler sy dpt pergi kelas2 awak ye….
    Smoga mood semakin baik stress makin kurang dan dandruff pun hilang 🙂

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