Looking For Criminal Justice?

I told you I’ll be taking a break so I will be watching TV like there’s nothing else in this world to do..haha! I used to follow Law & Order series until recently when I got hook with so many stuffs to be settled. But other new series like Criminal Minds and Bones are still in my must watch series. Call me TV junkie, I don’t care!..hehe..

For those interested to move up your career ladder but need to have higher education and professional career training, check out this website at http://www.schoolsinstlouis.com. Their campuses are all located in metropolitan St. Louis, Missouri.


Their Criminal Justice Degree Programs look interesting but I am not sure what I can do with such degree here. Anyway if somehow Hubby get new job there and I am free with nothing to do at home in St. Louis, getting another degree with totally different branch of studies will certainly be a challenge for me. I love learning new things, it’s the exam that I hate..sigh!

In another thought, I’m not sure my brain is still not too rusty to be a college student..heh!

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