It’s A Heavy Rain

I was sleeping when I noticed that the rain was so heavy this morning. Hubby was still sleeping since his working time is quite flexible..haha! Pity him for not being able to sleep like normal people. His normal sleeping time was disrupted since last week he has to work US shift. Hopefully, he will get back his normal hours this week.


I continued sleeping and woke up around 3pm..hehe! Well, I also have US shift so instead of waking up in the morning, I sleep in the morning and stay up the whole night. I don’t know how I could continue to be a night owl if I have any child later (not that I have any instant plan to have one soon..heh!)

Oh, the picture above is the big tree in front of my house. I snapped the picture early this month because sometimes when the purple flowers are gone, I have to wait another year for it to bloom again. Maybe it’s spring too here because all my hibiscus, jasmine and heliconia are flowering like crazy despite the lack of care I put on them.

Don’t worry my plants. As soon as I finish my bunga telur making task, I will take care of you. I hope to repot about 5-6 plants as I have extra money to spend on bigger terracota pots..hehe!

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